Friday, June 1, 2018

2018 Summer SUP Class Schedule...Finally Announced!

Welcome Summer!

This summer the class schedule is abbreviated, running June 15 ~ Aug 18. Look for Full Moon classes each month and the Solstice classes June 21st this year as additions! Online registrations, night classes and SUP in Perham have been removed just for this summer due to family schedules and my need to be more flexible and available for them. My apologies!

As always, if you have a group interested in a private class, please let me know!

I generally have enough boards to outfit whoever comes. However, I welcome a text, email or FB message to reserve a board ahead of time so I know to look for you!

Please plan on arriving 10-15 minutes before class to sign the class waiver & help move equipment to the waterfront.

I look forward to seeing you on the water!
Love & light and more light...